Saturday, 1 May 2021

Popcorn Box Latest Version Apk File Free Download For Android:

Popcorn Box Latest Version Apk File Free Download For Android:

Popcorn game:

The popcorn game is a fun and quick game to play and practice a range of skills. By writing targets for skills to practice
on the popcorn pieces, the game can be used to target many different skills, including:

 Sight words e.g. walk, the, you, a, see

 Letters of the alphabet e.g. Aa, Bb, Cc, Dd

 Numbers e.g. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9

 Simple math problems e.g. 3 + 4 =, or 2x2=

 Speech sounds e.g. to practice the /f/ sound words could be ‘fish, fun, fat, fan, fence’ etc.


How to make the game:

 Print out the pages in color, preferably on card stock to make them more durable

 Cut out the popcorn box and assemble

 Cut out the individual pieces of popcorn and laminate

 Use a whiteboard marker to write the targets on the back of each popcorn piece

How to play the game:

 Place all of the popcorn into the popcorn box, including the POP! piece

 Players take turns to select a piece of popcorn from the box and say the word or solve the problem

 Players get to keep the piece if correct, or they return to the box if not correct

 A player who pulls the POP! the card has to return all popcorn back to the box.

 The player with the most popcorn when the popcorn had been drawn from the box is the winner.


Other ways to play

 Make multiple popcorn boxes so there is one for each planer and collect the popcorn in those

 Have question cards for any skill you wish to practice and collect a blank piece of popcorn for each correct

 Roll dice and collect that many pieces of popcorn in a turn for correct answers to questions.

Installation process: 

First, you go to the link below that we provide at the bottom of our article. Tap on the link to download the game, the installation process shown on the top of your device screen. Then the installation process will be complete the app icon shows on your device screen or pc.

We have the best site and safe link to download the game.

Here is the download link.